Tuesday, 19 June 2012

My Wedding Preparation Part 2

hyep! next next entry 
juz wanna show off diz little cute roses ball heee 
baru beli ni, kat NILAI
haha tetibe rase nak beli sebab cumel!
trend skrg kot bunga bulat-bulat ni hee
deco deco wedding kan

ouh i think i'm gonna do something with diz cute roses
yippie! heee bermula laah memerah idea creative untuk mencipta sesuatu :)

oke, got to go! more things i've to handle tada!



Jay said...

wah...alhamdulillah..hope semua persiapan berjalan lancar..hehe..fuh3 ni yg buat Jay teringin nak kawin ni..tapi takde calon lagi..mayb belum masanya lagi kot,..hehehe

Anonymous said...

mmg skarang trend ball2 flower kan.. sgt comel & cute.. :)
